Sophie Ellis-Bextor For every person that says I’m the new Audrey Hepburn, someone else says that I look like an alien. – Sophie Ellis-Bextor Alien Quotes Audrey Quotes Hepburn Quotes Person Quotes I’m a sucker for good black skirts and pretty little shirts and kooky tops. I have to admit that shopping satisfies my craving for immediate gratification. Some people can get away with being very sexy to men and not looking like a complete cow, but I didn’t think I was in a position where people knew me well enough.
Hari Kunzru In my early teens, science fiction and fantasy had an almost-total hold over my imagination. Their outcast status was part of their appeal. – Hari Kunzru
Elijah Wood Putting a needle on a record is almost like you’re making a commitment to listening to something. – Elijah Wood
George Kaiser If you are doing what everyone else is doing, there is probably not an opportunity there. – George Kaiser
Lawrence Kasdan But, George and Steven asked me to write the Indiana Jones sequels, and I didn’t want to. – Lawrence Kasdan
Rick Wagoner All this improvement is great, but all that does is get us in the game to play for improvements that we need in the future, so that we can be aggressive in the marketplace. – Rick Wagoner
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