James Wolk For ‘Mad Men,’ we really had to stick to the script, and you want to. It’s not like you feel your hand is being forced. The words you get are the words you say. – James Wolk Feel Quotes Forced Quotes Hand Quotes Mad Quotes Script Quotes Stick Quotes With ‘The Crazy Ones,’ we were really encouraged to improv and go off script. As an actor, it’s exciting to play a role that’s so far from what you are and to have people respond to it like a real human being!
Christian Dior In a machine age, dressmaking is one of the last refuges of the human, the personal, the inimitable. – Christian Dior
Gary Sinise Wherever I go for the military, they always call me Lt. Dan. They just can’t help it. – Gary Sinise
Anthony Michael Hall In the years since I worked with John Hughes, there were many years where I literally had hundred of doors slammed in my face because I wasn’t that kid anymore, and I wasn’t a character actor, and I wasn’t a leading man, and I wasn’t whatever Hollywood was looking for. – Anthony Michael Hall
Armaan Malik When it comes to advice, I always consult my father regarding everything, as he has seen the industry inside out, and he is the best person to guide me. – Armaan Malik
FearJoaquin Phoenix I always have the fear that, if I don’t commit 100 percent to my work, then it’s gonna suffer. – Joaquin Phoenix
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