Nargis Fakhri For me, fashion means dare. I don’t mind wearing a bikini. I am okay with it. – Nargis Fakhri Bikini Quotes Fashion Quotes Mind Quotes Wearing Quotes You learn to be comfortable with your body. It’s fine and not a big deal. I have a variety of styles. I don’t stick to one particular style.
John Gourley Feel It Still’ came around pretty much as organically as you can put a song together. – John Gourley
Sara Zarr I tend to describe recurring themes as being part of a writer’s DNA – something so deeply embedded in us that even we don’t notice it until we’ve written three or four books. – Sara Zarr
Philip Rivers There’s obviously games and a history you have with guys that maybe you’re a little more fired up to let them know if maybe you beat them on a play. – Philip Rivers
DanTDM I’m a very visual person, which is probably why I make videos rather than write scripts. – DanTDM
Billy Childish I like feeling at home and knowing people. I like talking about ideas and being friendly. – Billy Childish
Gil Marks I don’t understand a mentality that will accept eating something that doesn’t taste good just because it’s low-fat or is made with matzo or whatever. – Gil Marks
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