Dr Luke For me, I’m more a fan of the songs than of the artists because often, it’s not worth getting the whole album. There’s usually a few singles and the rest of it is politics or something. – Dr Luke Album Quotes Artists Quotes Fan Quotes Politics Quotes Rest Quotes Singles Quotes Songs Quotes Worth Quotes I do believe that music will change and has to change in some capacity, and I’ll either change and reinvent or sink or swim. Howard Shore, who’s an amazing film composer, told me once that it’s 10 percent inspiration, 90 percent perspiration. So I think even within the creative process, like being a producer, you’re really managing people and getting the best out of them.
Donald Pleasence I do not use any set methods, not even The Method. The character after all is in the lines. – Donald Pleasence
Chubby Checker Do you go to gym and exercise to music? Before Chubby Checker, that never happened. – Chubby Checker
George Monbiot Like coal, capitalism has brought many benefits. But, like coal, it now causes more harm than good. – George Monbiot
John Burnside A modern arboretum brings us that ancient forest and, with it, a changed apprehension of time, a renewed appreciation of the elegance of natural form and a renewed sense of wonder at the variety of the world we inhabit. – John Burnside
Marc Bloch The good historian is like the giant of the fairy tale. He knows that wherever he catches the scent of human flesh, there his quarry lies. – Marc Bloch
AloneFaithForgivenessHenry B Eyring It is never too late to strengthen the foundation of faith. There is always time. With faith in the Savior, you can repent and plead for forgiveness. There is someone you can forgive. There is someone you can thank. There is someone you can serve and lift. You can do it wherever you are and however alone and deserted you may feel. – Henry B Eyring
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