Caeleb Dressel For me, it’s about swimming faster. Anything that’s not pertaining to swimming faster is irrelevant to me. – Caeleb Dressel Faster Quotes Irrelevant Quotes Pertaining Quotes Swimming Quotes I pick and choose when I like to have my moments. I understand people’s interest in my career.
Robert Winston We live longer and healthier lives than ever before. Animal research has improved the treatment of infections, helped with immunisation, improved cancer treatment and had a big impact on managing heart disease, brain disorders, arthritis and transplantation. – Robert Winston
Ray Lewis Don’t walk through life just playing football. Don’t walk through life just being an athlete. Athletics will fade. Character and integrity and really making an impact on someone’s life, that’s the ultimate vision, that’s the ultimate goal – bottom line. – Ray Lewis
Cat Power I think the hardest thing about my life is that I’ve met so many people all over the world who I love, but they’re not friends with each other. – Cat Power
Stephanie March Charity only works when smart, innovative, compassionate people in the field are supported from home. The World of Children Award raises money and visibility for change makers, people doing the real work. We are a conduit for funding and resources only; all of our operating costs are covered by our generous board of governors. – Stephanie March
Eric Dier In Portugal the coach would sit on the bench and not say a word. We’d just play. It was a matter of us making mistakes and learning from them by ourselves. You understand the game a lot better that way. – Eric Dier
Ronan Farrow Ninety percent of all people under 30 are in developing countries, and that means that this new access to tech, which is such a positive thing… is also a ticking time bomb of frustration… You get this clear mismatch of opportunity and expectation. – Ronan Farrow
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