Robert Rodriguez For me, Mexploitation seemed like something that should have existed, but didn’t. – Robert Rodriguez Existed Quotes Mexploitation Quotes If you do a film with a studio, agents step in, they start saying, ‘My actor has to get this amount of money’, and it becomes about deals. I usually have a couple of projects going on that are different. A ‘Sin City’ while I’m doing a ‘Spy Kids’ at the same time. I need different things going on.
Jeremiah Brent I think it’s really important, especially with the work space, to create a place that makes people feel creative, where they feel safe, and they feel like they’re instantly connected. – Jeremiah Brent
Jon Watts What I love about movies is, no matter how many people are involved or how complicated the process is, at the end of the day, it’s just what’s inside of that frame. It’s going to be people sitting in a movie theater watching one shot at a time. And that’s my focus. – Jon Watts
Jamie Dimon I’ve seen people, when they get into these bigger and bigger jobs, it goes to their heads. I’ve seen it. Some people in life change who they are, and some don’t. I’m basically the same guy I’ve always been. – Jamie Dimon
HistoryLady GagaRelationship History shows us that in times of people feeling like they are in need of some sort of rebellion or protests, the artists rise because the poetry we create about pain and its relationship to culture in the world begins to soothe and heal people who are feeling confused or afraid. – Lady Gaga
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