Patrick Kane For me personally, I try to use my size to my advantage where I can either slip by guys or try to create more space for myself. – Patrick Kane Advantage Quotes Create Quotes Guys Quotes Personally Quotes Size Quotes Slip Quotes Space Quotes I probably spend the most time with Toews: we have the same schedule, and we’re roomies on the road; we sit next to each other. We do a lot of promotions together. If I was bigger I might not have had the same skill set as I do, the speed.
Sam Altman That culture of frugality and discipline is really important for the Y Combinator mindset. – Sam Altman
Monique Roffey My parents had a long and eventful marriage and were always a bit like movie stars to me when they were young. – Monique Roffey
Rickie Fowler Playing on the PGA Tour and playing professional golf, I think it’s what everyone has dreamed of doing – all the guys who are out here. I’m just happy to be able to call this a job, if you want to call it a job. – Rickie Fowler
Rosamund Pike There are certainly contemporaries that I admire, like Emily Blunt. I think she is amazing. – Rosamund Pike
Evan Davis Interestingly, human irrationality is a hot topic in economics at the moment. Behavioural economics it’s called, on the cusp of economics and psychology. – Evan Davis
Paddy Considine My fascination is not for cinema; it’s for human nature and human beings because I find it quite difficult being one at times. – Paddy Considine
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