Giorgos SeferisPoetry For poetry there exists neither large countries nor small. Its domain is in the heart of all men. – Giorgos Seferis Countries Quotes Domain Quotes Exists Quotes Heart Quotes Poetry Quotes I wrote poetry, which got me into lyrics. Stevie Wonder, Carole King, Elton John pulled me into pop. I started singing with a band – just for fun – when I was 17. And pretty soon, I was thinking I could sing pop in English as well as Spanish. The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.
Johnny Flynn The Band mean a lot to me in terms of what I aspire to achieve with my group, as the music they made went against the fashion of the time. – Johnny Flynn
Bobby Brown Whitney and I have fun reading the newspaper sometimes. You’d be amazed at the places they say I’ve been. – Bobby Brown
Rasika Dugal As a society, we need to create an environment that encourages women to make the choices that are available to them and encourages them to speak their mind. – Rasika Dugal
Marti Noxon You should live hoping you are going to offend people, because then you’re doing something. – Marti Noxon
CommunicationTechnologyVanessa Diffenbaugh We are more and more into technology. Everything is texting, and everything is instant. Flowers are completely impractical as a method of communication when you could just send a text. – Vanessa Diffenbaugh
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