Sendhil Mullainathan For somebody for whom they’re going to buy a certain amount of gas irrespective of the price, should they really spend so much time thinking about the price of gas? It doesn’t affect anything they do. – Sendhil Mullainathan Affect Quotes Gas Quotes Irrespective Quotes Price Quotes Spend Quotes Thinking Quotes Time Quotes It’s 2014, and women are still paid less than men. Does this suggest that a gender pay gap is an unfortunately permanent fixture? Will it still be with us in 50 years? I would predict yes. But by that point, it will be men who will be earning less than women. Things that price at $4.99 sell very differently than things that price at $5.
David James Managers should not be immune to the sack, they are spending the money of supporters and shareholders, if your manager is making fundamentally bad decisions, then the club has to be there to step in and take action. Leave it too long and you could end up relegated. It’s enough to make anyone jittery. – David James
Eddie Rabbitt I’m there from conception to delivery of an album because I don’t want anybody getting in the middle of my music and meddling with my work while I’m on the road. – Eddie Rabbitt
Mike Evans I’m just getting older and I’m understanding the game and I’m more experienced in the league. – Mike Evans
Payal Rohatgi I have always been known for my glamour but I wanted to do something strong and substantial on TV, which is a woman dominated medium. – Payal Rohatgi
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