ChangeFutureJohn F KennedyLifeTime For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future. – John F Kennedy Change Quotes Future Quotes John F. Kennedy Quotes Law Quotes Life Quotes Stand Quotes Time Quotes What I’m asking for is hard. It’s easier to be cynical; to accept that change isn’t possible, and politics is hopeless, and to believe that our voices and actions don’t matter. But if we give up now, then we forsake a better future. Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.
Al Jourgensen I scare the neighbors, the kids… They don’t come to my house for trick-or-treating, trust me. I had to buy exactly zero amount of dollars worth of candy for the past couple of years. – Al Jourgensen
Nicholas Haslam You can learn the subtle language of interior style, but many people simply buy it. If you put yourself in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing, you can be confident it will look good. – Nicholas Haslam
Marilyn vos Savant Be able to decline a date so gracefully that the person isn’t embarrassed that he or she asked. – Marilyn vos Savant
Skepta I was like, ‘I can’t do grime. That’s for kids.’ – I was 20 at the time, and I thought I was a gangsta, a proper rude boy. – Skepta
Antonio Banderas Listen, I think movies serve many different purposes, from those movies that are frivolous and just an entertainment, to movies that just go to exploring the complexities of the human soul. Everything is valid if it’s done with honesty and dignity, and I actually do both of those types of movies in my career. – Antonio Banderas
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