Brian Deese For too long, opponents of climate change have hid behind the argument that the U.S. cannot afford to cut carbon pollution because other countries won’t follow suit. – Brian Deese Afford Quotes Argument Quotes Carbon Quotes Change Quotes Climate Quotes Countries Quotes Cut Quotes Follow Quotes Opponents Quotes Pollution Quotes Suit Quotes Climate change is real, it is being driven by human activity, and it is affecting the lives of people across the United States and around the world today. Almost all of the Marshall Islands’ 72,000 residents live within seven feet of sea level. If the climate continues to change at its current pace, ocean acidification could destroy its resources and rising oceans could flood large parts of the islands.
Gregory Peck I’m not a do-gooder. It embarrassed me to be classified as a humanitarian. I simply take part in activities that I believe in. – Gregory Peck
Karen Finerman Women should learn from men to compartmentalize. It’s a great skill that some women have naturally but others have to practice. The goal is to keep one area of your life that might not be going well from causing unnecessary disruptions in another area. – Karen Finerman
Lydia Davis Collections aren’t really planned. I just keep writing short pieces until I have enough for a collection. – Lydia Davis
Marine Le Pen The European Union has become a prison of peoples. Each of the 28 countries that constitute it has slowly lost its democratic prerogatives to commissions and councils with no popular mandate. Every nation in the union has had to apply laws it did not want for itself. – Marine Le Pen
Heber J Grant To my mind, the main reason for the Depression in the United States as a whole, is the bondage of debt and the spirit of speculation among the people. – Heber J Grant
Adam Page Around Christmas time, I passed by a Hot Topic at the mall. They had the Christmas decorations up in the front of the store with AC/DC and Metallica, Harry Potter, Star Wars and Bullet Club. So, we are certainly a part of pop culture. – Adam Page
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