Paul Dini For years, humorous characters in cartoons have been almost exclusively male. – Paul Dini Cartoons Quotes Characters Quotes Exclusively Quotes Humorous Quotes Male Quotes There’s something very, very liberating about Harley Quinn. Much more so than a character like Catwoman or Poison Ivy. Those are great characters. But then again, those characters are more of the femme fatale and the temptress roles. Quite often in comic book movies, very good actresses are relegated to being the girlfriend or the helper or the sidekick or something.
Alison Sudol In L.A. you can be quite isolated, but in London you can ride the Tube and are right in the thick of humanity and every type of person that you can imagine is passing by. – Alison Sudol
Maz Jobrani Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind playing bad guys. I want to play a bad guy. I want to rob a bank. I want to rob a bank in a film. I want to rob a bank in a film but do it with a gun – with a gun, not with a bomb strapped around me. – Maz Jobrani
Greg Grandin In Honduras, in particular, Hillary Clinton as Obama’s secretary of state was instrumental in legitimizing the coup’s subsequent death-squad regime. – Greg Grandin
John Tyler The applause of his native land is the richest reward to which the patriot ever aspires. It is this for which ‘he bears to live or dares to die.’ It is the high incentive to those achievements which illustrate the page of history and give to poetry its brightest charm. – John Tyler
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