David Hyde Pierce From Kelsey, I have learned among many other things the value of turning on a dime and how you can have an extremely funny and extremely poignant moment with absolutely no separation in between… and sometimes in the same moment. – David Hyde Pierce Absolutely Quotes Dime Quotes Extremely Quotes Funny Quotes Kelsey Quotes Learned Quotes Moment Quotes Poignant Quotes Separation Quotes On some level in acting, what you’re trying to find is truth, because when it’s true is when it’s also funny. I don’t have the time to tell you all the things I’ve learned from this cast. It’s an extraordinary ensemble because we all support each other so well.
Nathan Fillion Desperate Housewives’ is an ensemble cast, where I played a tertiary character. I made a lot of great friends, but that show didn’t keep me very busy. – Nathan Fillion
Dave deBronkart Diagnosed incidentally with stage IV, grade 4 metastatic renal cell carcinoma, I had bone metastases in my femur (which eventually fractured), ulna, and cranium; five metastases in my lungs; and muscle metastases in my thigh and tongue. Yet six months after diagnosis, my treatment ended: I’ve not had a drop of anything since. – Dave deBronkart
Crystal Eastman The average man has a carefully cultivated ignorance about household matters – from what to do with the crumbs to the grocer’s telephone number – a sort of cheerful inefficiency which protects him. – Crystal Eastman
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