Greta Gerwig From Noah Baumbach, I learned to have a strict no cell phone policy on set. There is nothing that bums you out more than looking over and seeing somebody on their smartphone, and that goes for actors and everyone else. – Greta Gerwig Actors Quotes Baumbach Quotes Bums Quotes Cell Quotes Learned Quotes Noah Quotes Phone Quotes Policy Quotes Set Quotes Smartphone Quotes Strict Quotes I have very strong feelings about dance and how it’s shot. The more particular you make something, the more universal it becomes.
FamilyGodGovernmentMargaret Hoover The decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal decision between a woman, her family, her doctor, her God; not her government, and not the public at large. – Margaret Hoover
Juan Diego Florez Around age 38, there was a slight change to my voice, and very much in the center. That made it possible to start thinking about certain roles: Guillaume Tell, Romeo, Edgardo. These roles require a fuller center. – Juan Diego Florez
Faye WattletonSad One of the sad commentaries on the way women are viewed in our society is that we have to fit one category. I have never felt that I had to be in one category. – Faye Wattleton
Rebecca MacKinnon If you just technically adhere to the law, sometimes that’s enough, sometimes it’s not; it’s really hard to predict. There is definitely a possibility that the Chinese authorities won’t find it sufficient. – Rebecca MacKinnon
Louis Leakey Far too often animals are put to sleep when they could be saved through proper care and nursing. – Louis Leakey
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