Julius Genachowski From the very start, I thought there were four key principles that the agency should focus on: driving private investment, driving innovation, promoting competition, and protecting consumers. – Julius Genachowski Agency Quotes Competition Quotes Consumers Quotes Driving Quotes Focus Quotes Innovation Quotes Investment Quotes Key Quotes Principles Quotes Private Quotes Promoting Quotes Protecting Quotes Start Quotes If you’re in government, the right thing to do is be focused on solving real problems and asking what’s the best solution to a particular problem. I joined the Aspen Institute, which is a terrific nonpartisan center. They have a wonderful effort that focuses on the impact of communications technology on society and our economy.
Ann Rutherford Most of the contract people at MGM stayed and stayed and stayed. Why? Because the studio looked after them. Warner Brothers wouldn’t – they were always spanking somebody or selling them down the river. – Ann Rutherford
T-Pain I don’t know if a song is going to be a hit or it’s going to flop. I never know. I just do the music and if people like it, they like it. – T-Pain
Alan GreenspanFuture People don’t realize that we cannot forecast the future. What we can do is have probabilities of what causes what, but that’s as far as we go. And I’ve had a very successful career as a forecaster, starting in 1948 forward. The number of mistakes I have made are just awesome. There is no number large enough to account for that. – Alan Greenspan
BusinessCommunicationJohn McCain As far as this business of solitary confinement goes, the most important thing for survival is communication with someone, even if it’s only a wave or a wink, a tap on the wall, or to have a guy put his thumb up. It makes all the difference. – John McCain
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