Bernard Arnault From time to time, the Vienna Philharmonic could play without a conductor because they are so good. – Bernard Arnault Conductor Quotes Philharmonic Quotes Play Quotes Time Quotes Vienna Quotes Steve Jobs once asked me for some advice about retail, but I said, ‘I am not sure at all we are in the same business.’ When I took over Louis Vuitton, everyone said, ‘It’s already so big – what more can you do?’ And since then, we’ve multiplied that success tenfold.
Andi Oliver There are not many people who can discern between fenugreek, green cardamom, black cardamom, caraway and turmeric at the drop of a hat. – Andi Oliver
Alex Morgan I always map out how to get a good eight or nine hours of sleep before I even start my day. And my rule is to put my phone on silent when I go to bed; that way, no texts or emails can disturb me. – Alex Morgan
Dylan Penn I have a private Instagram and an official one, so I’m not opposed to social media. – Dylan Penn
Paul Wahlberg Ill cook at my house on Christmas Day and my mom will come by. I dont know yet what Ill be making. Ill probably do a roast of some kind, maybe a tenderloin. My family loves that. My daughter is a vegetarian so I will do something special for her. – Paul Wahlberg
Al Franken I ask the American people not to fall victim to disinformation. There are no death panels. The Affordable Care Act cuts the deficit. – Al Franken
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