Adam Mansbach Fundamentally, I’m profoundly influenced by hip-hop, so whatever I do is going to bear that seal. – Adam Mansbach Bear Quotes Fundamentally Quotes Hiphop Quotes Influenced Quotes Profoundly Quotes Seal Quotes Graffiti has an interesting relationship to the broader world of hip-hop: It’s part of the culture, but also in a weird way a stepchild of the culture. A good cookout ought to last at least six hours; if you haven’t eaten and gotten full and gotten hungry and eaten again, you’re doing something wrong.
Billy Tauzin And if citizens of New Orleans who are really contemplating coming back heard that we’re really intent upon making the place secure again – regardless of whether the levees held or not – then I think a rebuilding process would really take shape. – Billy Tauzin
Mollie Hemingway The problem with Donald Trump was that he had no filter. There may have not been a single thought he left unexpressed or failed to share with the American public during his first term – at least until Biden’s buddies in Big Tech censored and deplatformed him and his supporters. – Mollie Hemingway
Bryan Lee O'Malley I grew up in London, Ontario, and moved to Toronto when I was 22 or 23. – Bryan Lee O’Malley
Stewart Udall The most common trait of all primitive peoples is a reverence for the life-giving earth, and the Native American shared this elemental ethic: The land was alive to his loving touch, and he, its son, was brother to all creatures. – Stewart Udall
Hannah Fry One of the first things I did when I finished my Ph.D. was work with the police to look at what happened during the London riots in 2011, which took over the city. – Hannah Fry
Julian Castro Growing up, when we would get dragged to these events, I didn’t want to be there. Over time, as we got older, I developed a real appreciation of the importance of being involved in the democratic process. – Julian Castro
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