Adam Levine Furnishing a home is no different than going into the studio and making music. You want to make sure you’ve pared down all the extra details so that in the end, every stitch has a context uniquely yours. – Adam Levine Context Quotes Details Quotes Extra Quotes Furnishing Quotes Music Quotes Pared Quotes Stitch Quotes Studio Quotes Uniquely Quotes Yoga carves you into a different person – and that is satisfying physically. A lot of my emotional issues come from dealing with the opposite sex. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll be retired before I can finally enter into a healthy relationship.
Marshall Goldsmith I have a lot of deficiencies, but gratitude is not one of them. – Marshall Goldsmith
Dick Dale I surfed Dana Point, San Clemente, and of course Huntington Beach. Every morning, you could find me at the hot water pipe. – Dick Dale
Anita Dobson I was always slightly afraid of marriage because I didn’t like the idea of being tied down. Even when I met Brian, when I was in my mid-thirties, I didn’t actually see it on the cards for us. He was a huge rock star, and our lives were very different. – Anita Dobson
Martin Filler The skyscraper style first advocated by Louis Sullivan – a tower of strongly vertical character with clear definitions among base, shaft, and crown – has remained remarkably consistent throughout the history of this building type. – Martin Filler
Michael McDonald I truly cherish the time and experience with friends that I have been making music with for so many years, even decades now. – Michael McDonald
Ben Ray Lujan As the former head of both the Federal Reserve and the White House Council of Economic Advisers, Secretary Yellen is well versed in engaging different tools to stimulate the U.S. economy. – Ben Ray Lujan
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