Steve Bruce Geordies get up every day, they go to work, they put a shift in. – Steve Bruce Day Quotes Geordies Quotes Shift Quotes Every time I took another job, my dad would ask, ‘Why are you putting yourself through it again, haven’t you got enough money?’ I wish I’d spent more time with them, I think anyone who loses their parents will understand that, but I also know what he would have said. ‘You crack on Steve, get on with it, son.’ When I heard the word ‘cancer,’ I was in bits. I panicked, I think everyone does, it was very scary, horrible. Thankfully, the melanoma does not appear to have spread. They’ll continue to monitor me, I’ve got scars on my face, on my back. Good thing I was never worried about my good looks.
John Carney I dropped out of school at 17 and joined the Irish band The Frames, getting my first glimpse into the world of professional film making while shooting of a number of rock videos. – John Carney
Clark Blaise Indian standards of artistry, and Indian standards of humanity, and Indian standards of love, and of family, devotion, commitment, stand for me as the standard for how one should behave. – Clark Blaise
Jamie Bell I think documentary filmmaking is a braver way to make films because it’s real, and you’re really there. – Jamie Bell
Oscar Munoz We have to realize we have millions of human beings traveling on our equipment. – Oscar Munoz
Adolf Galland I had to inspect all fighter units in Russia, Africa, Sicily, France, and Norway. I had to be everywhere. – Adolf Galland
Alexis Ohanian If I can accomplish anything in the next however-many years, it is this: To help a generation realize, or to think of themselves, not just as consumers but also creators. – Alexis Ohanian
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