Paul Broun Georgians aren’t interested in labels or affiliation, they’re interested in solutions. And that begins by making Washington smaller and America bigger! – Paul Broun Affiliation Quotes America Quotes Bigger Quotes Georgians Quotes Labels Quotes Solutions Quotes Washington Quotes We have got to cut the spending. We have got to fix Medicare and Social Security. And actually, if we don’t cut spending, this country is already broke. We are going off the financial cliff: the big cliff that is going to cause a total economic collapse of America. As one of the most conservative members of Congress and a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I am constantly under attack for my values and beliefs.
Blythe Masters I spent my whole career thinking about risk, markets, infrastructure, and regulation. I had seen the financial crisis unfold, and I had seen the credit derivatives market get operationally ahead of itself, which resulted in systemic risk counterparty exposures. I began to believe that distributed ledgers had the capability to tackle that problem. – Blythe Masters
Jimmy Barnes All the religions are basically good, but there’s something about organised religion that leads to corruptness and poison. – Jimmy Barnes
Frank Sinatra Jr Over all these years, I have never had a hit movie, never had a hit television programme and never had a hit record. To my way of thinking, that means success has not been achieved. I have made no mark of my own creation. This is something to be considered. – Frank Sinatra Jr
Kevin Durant Everything has been such a whirlwind ever since I stepped foot in the league and everything has been like a dream, so I’m just blessed to be in this position. – Kevin Durant
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