Gerhard Schroder Germany is in favor of integration precisely because we don’t want dominance. – Gerhard Schroder Dominance Quotes Favor Quotes Germany Quotes Integration Quotes Precisely Quotes We really believe our national interests are identical with European interests. Whatever the details of union may be, there’s no doubt we need more policy coordination in Europe.
Susannah Cahalan It’s hard for me to hear about the things that I believed during my madness. – Susannah Cahalan
Alan Dundes My academic identity is that of a folklorist, and for many years I have taught only folklore courses. – Alan Dundes
August Strindberg I hated her now with a hatred more fatal than indifference because it was the other side of love. – August Strindberg
Cassadee Pope You have to be really, really confident in your decision to marry somebody. I don’t think my parents were stupid, but I do think maybe it was rushed. But if they hadn’t gotten married, my sister and I wouldn’t be here. I think everything happens for a reason. – Cassadee Pope
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