Anton du Beke Give up smoking. Don’t get so fat. So much illness is self-induced – which I can’t stand. And I’m not a good nursemaid. Don’t call me if you’re ill. – Anton du Beke Fat Quotes Illness Quotes Nursemaid Quotes Selfinduced Quotes Smoking Quotes Stand Quotes Because we had no other relatives living in the U.K., me, my parents and my siblings continuously journeyed abroad to bond with our extended family. My father is Hungarian and moved to Britain during the uprising, and my Spanish mum comes from Galicia; they moved here at the end of the Fifties.
Jason Kander If an election doesn’t go your way, you don’t get to call a do-over. Part of respecting our democracy is respecting the will of the voters. – Jason Kander
Dallas Roberts I remember walking out in front of that crowd, all the parents’ faces and the applause, and folding my little self in half and thinking, ‘I could get used to this.’ And I just never stopped. – Dallas Roberts
Darci Lynne Farmer I sing ‘Blue Moon of Kentucky.’ It’s a country song. It’s one of my favorites to sing. – Darci Lynne Farmer
Jason O'Mara I sent some scenes from ‘Life on Mars’… and then I didn’t hear anything for about 48 hours, and I was sure that I wouldn’t get this. Then I got a phone call saying, ‘They want you to take the role of Jim Shannon on ‘Terra Nova,’ and would I be interested! – Jason O’Mara
Bonnie McKee When I write for myself, I think about myself and draw from my own experience. – Bonnie McKee
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