Neil Armstrong Gliders, sail planes, they’re wonderful flying machines. It’s the closest you can come to being a bird. – Neil Armstrong Bird Quotes Closest Quotes Flying Quotes Gliders Quotes Machines Quotes Planes Quotes Sail Quotes Wonderful Quotes People love conspiracy theories. I am, and ever will be, a white socks, pocket protector, nerdy engineer.
Sigrid Nunez You write about experiences partly to understand what they mean, partly not to lose them to time. To oblivion. But there’s always the danger of the opposite happening. Losing the memory of the experience itself to the memory of writing about it. – Sigrid Nunez
Carlos Ruiz Zafon I am a curious creature and put my finger in as many cakes as I can: history, film, technology, etc. I’m also a freak for urban history, particularly Barcelona, Paris and New York. I know more weird stuff about 19th-century Manhattan than is probably healthy. – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Haskell Wexler The best thing that winning those Academy Awards things are – the best thing of it is that when I say some of my ideas, somebody’s going to listen to it, and they’ll preface what I say, ‘Academy Award winner da-da-da-da-da.’ – Haskell Wexler
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