Andy Carroll Goals have always been in my game so I’m very confident I can score for Liverpool. I’ll bring as much as I can to the team, I’ll score goals, create chances, hold up the ball and just try my best really. – Andy Carroll Ball Quotes Bring Quotes Chances Quotes Confident Quotes Create Quotes Game Quotes Goals Quotes Hold Quotes Liverpool Quotes Score Quotes Team Quotes Playing for your boyhood team and going away, you realise what you had and missed.
Ron Rivera He wasn’t a football player, but my idol growing up was Roberto Clemente. The man died trying to help out earthquake victims in Nicaragua and that left a huge impression on me. – Ron Rivera
ChangeDreamsKumail Nanjiani You can go slow. Allow your dreams and goals to change, but live an intentional life. – Kumail Nanjiani
Sherman Alexie Well, I think the worst part about tribalism is its tendency to fundamentalize, and if I can fight fundamentalism in any of its forms I’m happy. – Sherman Alexie
Saul David By the time Napoleon abandoned his army to its fate in Poland – arriving back in Paris on 5 December – it numbered fewer than 10,000 effectives. It was a disaster from which he would never recover. – Saul David
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