Miguel Cabrera God blessed me with this talent, so why would I not want to not play? I want to play every single game. – Miguel Cabrera Blessed Quotes Game Quotes God Quotes Play Quotes Single Quotes Talent Quotes Got to play, man. Got to play hard. I love this game. I love to have fun. You’re playing a sport that you’ve loved since you were a kid, you get paid for it, and even if you’re 0-for-20 or 0-for-30, you still have fun.
Lennon Parham When you get into a fight with your partner or a friend, you usually have some weird, specific thing that you hold on to that you fight about that has nothing to do with what’s going on. – Lennon Parham
Satish Kaushik I always felt that we don’t have dearth of beautiful locations in our country, but we still don’t have proper infrastructure. Because of that, most of the times, we are not able to reach those locations. – Satish Kaushik
Enrique Pena Nieto Once every 12 years there is a unique opportunity to reinforce the bonds between Mexico and the United States, when our presidential election cycles coincide. – Enrique Pena Nieto
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