Jonathan Sacks God is back and Europe as a whole still doesn’t get it. It is our biggest single collective cultural and intellectual blind spot. – Jonathan Sacks Biggest Quotes Blind Quotes Collective Quotes Cultural Quotes Europe Quotes God Quotes Intellectual Quotes Single Quotes Spot Quotes Giving is what makes a nation great. Islamophobia is a complex phenomenon.
Kane My most memorable WrestleMania ever was my first: at WrestleMania 14 in Boston against The Undertaker. That was a huge high point in my career and an absolute highlight of my career. – Kane
Susan Orlean I’m happy to be reminded that an ordinary day full of nothing but nothingness can make you feel like you’ve won the lottery. – Susan Orlean
Adam Mansbach I believe that writers have a responsibility to evolve the language, whether by introducing new words or new usages. Shakespeare alone is responsible for something like 3400 words and phrases. – Adam Mansbach
BirthdayDawn Foster Towards the tail end of primary school, I was pulled aside by my headteacher and told I was joining a scheme for ‘gifted and talented’ children, that would run from my 10th birthday until I was 16. – Dawn Foster
Blueface I’m so established that I don’t care about what nobody think about how good I am at dancing, how good I am at doing whatever I’m doing. – Blueface
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