Dennis Quaid God is the only way you’re going to make it in life, the glue that holds everything together. – Dennis Quaid Glue Quotes God Quotes Holds Quotes Life Quotes What, like I want to look like Dick Clark? No. I think I look great with liver spots. I was made to be a perfectionist at everything I did. Everything was more important than what I wanted.
Brene Brown We judge people in areas where we’re vulnerable to shame, especially picking folks who are doing worse than we’re doing. – Brene Brown
Mariam Naficy Unlike Etsy, which is all handmade, we print and ship the products, not the designers. We relieve the designer from having to make and ship everything, package it, and provide customer service. All the designer has to do is submit art and keep doing what they love doing. – Mariam Naficy
John Pomfret Good journalism, I think, represents life and if you try to organize something too neatly it usually blows up in your face and doesn’t really happen the way you want it to. – John Pomfret
Julian Fellowes Sometimes you watch one of your favorite shows from 20 years ago and you think, ‘I’m loving this, but golly, it’s going at the speed of a snail.’ – Julian Fellowes
Rita Tushingham One day, I read in the newspaper they were looking for an unknown for the film of ‘A Taste of Honey.’ They auditioned over 2,000 girls for the part of Jo – not as many as they did for ‘Annie,’ at any rate. – Rita Tushingham
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