Anthony Johnson Going down to 170 was hell. But if I hadn’t fought at 170, people wouldn’t know who Anthony ‘Rumble’ Johnson is. – Anthony Johnson Anthony Quotes Fought Quotes Johnson Quotes People Quotes Rumble Quotes When I was younger, I was young and wild. I don’t know what I’m painted as. I can be happy as hell and then someone says something and I feel different. People are going to say whatever they want to say to… get people to read their story. I just ask people to write the whole, complete story.
Brian HerbertDad I didn’t actually get along with my dad when I was growing up, so by the time I was in my 20s, I didn’t think I was going to be a writer. – Brian Herbert
Nicos Anastasiades It’s a Cyprus of misery and soup kitchens and a state which cannot meet basic obligations. It can only cause me grief. – Nicos Anastasiades
Amanda Gorman Writing wasn’t just a form of expression. It was a form of pathology by embarking on spoken word over and over and over again and reciting my poems. – Amanda Gorman
Connor McDavid I still feel pressure – I’m sure everyone who plays feels pressure – but I don’t feel it as much now as when I was younger. – Connor McDavid
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