Francis Jeffrey Good will, like a good name, is got by many actions, and lost by one. – Francis Jeffrey Actions Quotes Lost Quotes Beware prejudices. They are like rats, and men’s minds are like traps; prejudices get in easily, but it is doubtful if they ever get out.
Chris Jordan I find myself walking these lines. Like I might be an artist, but I also might be an activist. And I’m trying to be both in a way that honors both and doesn’t stray too far into either. – Chris Jordan
Gutzon Borglum There is something in sheer volume that awes and terrifies, lifts us out of ourselves. – Gutzon Borglum
LearningMae JemisonScience In fourth grade, I was interested in all areas of science. I particularly loved learning about how the earth was created. – Mae Jemison
Enrique Iglesias The power of music in Spanish is so strong, that I couldn’t stay away from it any longer. – Enrique Iglesias
Franz Beckenbauer The trouble for today’s footballers is they have too many distractions. We used to get our old players coming to watch training with football magazines in their hands. Now, more often than not, they are checking the share prices. – Franz Beckenbauer
Milana Vayntrub The goal of Can’t Do Nothing is to ask people, what matters for you? And whatever it is, what are you doing about it? How bad does it need to get before you take action? – Milana Vayntrub
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