DreamsThomas Middleton Ground not upon dreams; you know they are ever contrary. – Thomas Middleton Contrary Quotes Dreams Quotes Ground Quotes A daydream is an evasion. Here’s what I see all across this great city – people working together to make Boston a better place to live and to raise children, to grow and pursue dreams.
May Pang John would drink, too, but he would stop. After a while, John would say, ‘I’ve had enough, I don’t want to be in the papers.’ – May Pang
Sammy Hagar I looked at Mick Jagger and Keith Richards and the boys up there thinking, I want to be that. – Sammy Hagar
Lindsey Buckingham Even though I had pushed through the Tango album, it was just not a very good environment to be in on a daily basis. In many ways, this is the best time of my life. – Lindsey Buckingham
Kate Williams British passion for Chinese tea was unstoppable, but the Chinese had no desire for our offerings, however much we tried to sell them woolen clothes or cutlery. – Kate Williams
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