Arancha Gonzalez Growth without diversification, technological improvement, and increased productivity is easily reversed: all it takes is a dip in commodity prices. – Arancha Gonzalez Commodity Quotes Dip Quotes Diversification Quotes Easily Quotes Growth Quotes Improvement Quotes Increased Quotes Prices Quotes Productivity Quotes Reversed Quotes Takes Quotes Technological Quotes The fact is that during the post-1989 heyday of globalization optimism, political and business elites did not think enough about the prospect – plainly predicted in economic theory – that trade would harm some people even while leaving society as a whole better off. The result was overpromised benefits and inadequate adjustment plans. China has proven that the wellbeing of citizens in a country doesn’t necessarily contradict its engagement globally.
Jerry West If I’m not nervous, if I don’t have at least a little bit of the same self-doubt and anxious feelings I had when I started playing, then it will be time for me to go on. I must have that tension. – Jerry West
Benjamin Todd Jealous Last century we needed lawyers; this century we need big, broad coalitions. When extremists decide to attack all our communities, they must hope that there will be infighting. But we have stood all for one and one for all. That is how we will win. – Benjamin Todd Jealous
FaithPope Benedict XVI God guides his church, maintains her always, and especially in difficult times. Let us never lose this vision of faith, which is the only true vision of the way of the church and the world. – Pope Benedict XVI
Robert Eggers I think the thing that is most influential about ‘Haxan’ is the casting of the witches as just old women and the strength of that. – Robert Eggers
Jo Bonner There are things we can all do to help, including carpooling and traveling only when necessary, in order to save gas during this time. However, there is also something more important which we can all do: buy only the gas which you need. – Jo Bonner
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