Mike Pompeo GTMO has been a goldmine of intelligence about radical Islamic terrorism. – Mike Pompeo Goldmine Quotes Gtmo Quotes Intelligence Quotes Islamic Quotes Radical Quotes Terrorism Quotes I have traveled to GTMO and have seen the honorable and professional behavior of the American men and women in uniform who serve at the detention facility. For folks in Washington to believe that they are smart enough to pick the next energy technology is, in my judgment, the height of arrogance. For me or any of my peers to pick energy-technology X as the solution to solving America’s energy problems is just a fool’s errand.
Nicklas Bendtner Personally, I think I pay a big price with my body, my time and with never being able to have privacy when I am out and around other people. – Nicklas Bendtner
MomPatsy Cline If I made a list of the people I admire, Mom would probably fill up half of it. She could do anything and everything. – Patsy Cline
Shawn Porter I know people have won money on me before. And it wasn’t because I was the guy expected to win. – Shawn Porter
Kasper Schmeichel I hated getting to a Saturday and not having a game. For me it was about playing. – Kasper Schmeichel
Jonathan Galassi Eugenio Montale – born in Genoa in 1896, died in Milan, 1981 – is one of the twentieth-century Europeans who has spoken most meaningfully to American and British poets. – Jonathan Galassi
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