J Jayalalithaa Gujarat is engrossed in publicising itself whereas Tamil Nadu, under me, is not interested in just talking and advertising, and is instead focused on helping the people. – J Jayalalithaa Advertising Quotes Engrossed Quotes Focused Quotes Gujarat Quotes Helping Quotes Nadu Quotes People Quotes Publicising Quotes Talking Quotes Tamil Quotes The secret of success lies in realising one’s mistake, understanding where one went wrong and taking steps to rectify that mistake. I have taken a rebirth due to the prayers of the people and my party cadre.
ChristmasOrson Welles Now I’m an old Christmas tree, the roots of which have died. They just come along and while the little needles fall off me replace them with medallions. – Orson Welles
Arlene Phillips When day-to-day living became too difficult for him, my father moved to a residential home near me and although he’d never had any sort of dementia test, he gradually became unable either to eat or go to the toilet on his own. Eventually the staff found him too difficult to manage. – Arlene Phillips
Mercedes Schlapp The Obama economy has led to more women dependent on government programs including food stamps. – Mercedes Schlapp
Daisy Lowe I want to bring my children up in a world where we’re free to travel and work wherever we want, and in a society that takes care of immigrants and refugees. – Daisy Lowe
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