John Cleveland Had Cain been Scot, God would have changed his doom nor forced him wander, but confine him home. – John Cleveland Cain Quotes Changed Quotes Confine Quotes Doom Quotes Forced Quotes God Quotes Scot Quotes Wander Quotes My tears will keep no channel, know no laws to guide their streams, but like the waves, their cause, run with disturbance till they swallow me as a description of his misery. Love melts the rigor which the rocks have bred; a flint will break upon a feather bed.
Asia Kate Dillon I think that it’s important to say that trans people exist, and we are valid, whether we choose to transition or not. It’s really up to anyone to decide what is going to make them feel the most like themselves. – Asia Kate Dillon
Roger Scruton The true face of religion belongs to the re-enchantment of our injured civilization; faith is a way of filling all the spiritual spaces in our damaged world with the vision of a loving God, the God described in the Qur’an as al-Rahman al-Rahim. – Roger Scruton
Elizabeth Blackburn I was using very unconventional methods to sequence the telemetric DNA, originally. – Elizabeth Blackburn
John Bunyan When you pray, rather let your heart be without words than your words without heart. – John Bunyan
Alan Colmes A lot of people listen to Rush Limbaugh just because he’s a great entertainer. – Alan Colmes
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