Chico Buarque Had I not become entangled with music, I would have become an author much earlier. – Chico Buarque Author Quotes Earlier Quotes Entangled Quotes Music Quotes Some people thought I was using my popularity as a singer to sell my first novel. For others, it was almost a sacrilege: a practitioner of a minor art daring to enter the field of high art. Music kind of kidnapped me for a while.
FreedomMike Crapo We are gifted with freedom, but with that freedom comes the reality of the unknown and the responsibility to be aware of our surroundings and on guard against those who would do us harm. – Mike Crapo
David Lloyd Part of the plot was a knock that V wanted to bring down the government and bring chaos. I don’t know why I thought of Guy Fawkes, because it was during the summer. I thought that would be great if he looked like Guy Fawkes, kind of theatrical. – David Lloyd
Danielle Macdonald There’s a process: you audition, you get rejected, occasionally you get jobs, and it’s exciting, but it’s all little stepping stones. – Danielle Macdonald
Cooper Kupp If you have perseverance, you’re going to be able to push through a lot of things into some really great areas. – Cooper Kupp
Dizzy Dean I never keep a scorecard or the batting averages. I hate statistics. What I got to know, I keep in my head. – Dizzy Dean
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