Robert Walpole Have I given any symptoms of an avaricious disposition? Have I obtained any grants from the crown since I have been placed at the head of the treasury? Has my conduct been different from that which others in the same station would have followed? – Robert Walpole Avaricious Quotes Conduct Quotes Crown Quotes Disposition Quotes Grants Quotes Head Quotes Station Quotes Symptoms Quotes Treasury Quotes Many words are not wanting to show that the particular view of each court occasioned the dangers which affected the public tranquillity; yet the whole is charged to my account. Nor is this sufficient. If they are really persuaded that the army is annually established by me, that I have the sole disposal of posts and honours, that I employ this power in the destruction of liberty and the diminution of commerce, let me awaken them from their delusion.
John Coltrane Overall, I think the main thing a musician would like to do is give to the listener the many wonderful things he knows of and senses in the universe… That’s what I would like to do. I think that’s one of the greatest things you can do in life, and we all try to do that in some way. The musician’s is through his music. – John Coltrane
Carlos Mencia Ten comics can say the same joke, and I’m the one who gets called a thief. – Carlos Mencia
Joanna Southcott New-Year’s Day arriving, and the ministers, to whom I wrote, remaining silent, I consider their silence as evidence, that they cannot prove what I said not to be from the Lord, and have therefore published as I was directed. – Joanna Southcott
Rocco Buttiglione The past was more Christian? At times perhaps, in others, though, no. – Rocco Buttiglione
Filippo Inzaghi Racism at the stadium should be ignored, it is not right that this minority are given so much attention. – Filippo Inzaghi
Chiwetel Ejiofor In England, there’s no acknowledgement the invention of slavery came from Britain. – Chiwetel Ejiofor
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