Molly Ivins Having breast cancer is massive amounts of no fun. First they mutilate you; then they poison you; then they burn you. I have been on blind dates better than that. – Molly Ivins Amounts Quotes Blind Quotes Breast Quotes Burn Quotes Cancer Quotes Dates Quotes Fun Quotes Massive Quotes Mutilate Quotes Poison Quotes Even I felt sorry for Richard Nixon when he left; there’s nothing you can do about being born liberal – fish gotta swim, and hearts gotta bleed. When satire is aimed at the powerless, it is not only cruel – it’s vulgar.
Rupi Kaur The trauma of South Asian people escapes the confines of our own times. We’re not just healing from what’s been inflicted onto us as children… it is generations of pain embedded into our souls. – Rupi Kaur
Maggie Q I’m just totally into being strong. There’s something about wanting to get a jar or whatever out of a high cupboard, or moving a sofa over because my dog’s bone rolled under it, and not having to call anyone for help. There’s comfort in that. – Maggie Q
L Ron HubbardLife Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today and you make your tomorrow. – L Ron Hubbard
George William Norris Third, we could, while denouncing them both as illegal, have acquiesced in them both and thus remained neutral with both sides, although not agreeing with either as to the righteousness of their respective orders. – George William Norris
Norman Tebbit It is certainly safe, in view of the movement to the right of intellectuals and political thinkers, to pronounce the brain death of socialism. – Norman Tebbit
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