Francesca AnnisParenting Having children with someone is the real bond. – Francesca Annis Bond Quotes Children Quotes Parenting Quotes Real Quotes A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it. I think there’s different parenting styles.
Christopher Priest There is no such thing as Christian art or secular art – writing, painting, drawing, whatever it is. – Christopher Priest
Rose In Australia, I didn’t think that there was much of a chance for me to become a singer – especially to become a K-pop star. – Rose
Naby Keita My dad loved Deco as a player. He started calling me Deco as a nickname around the house. – Naby Keita
Margrethe Vestager I’m quite enthusiastic about any kind of gadget and app and feature and things that enable me to have a very convenient lifestyle. We buy our groceries on the Internet; I buy furniture, clothes for myself and my kids. – Margrethe Vestager
Johannes P Muller To speak, therefore, of an electric current in the nerves, is to use quite as symbolic an expression as if we compared the action of the nervous principle with light or magnetism. – Johannes P Muller
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