FamilyJazz Jennings Having such a supportive family has really shaped the person that I am today. – Jazz Jennings Family Quotes Person Quotes Shaped Quotes Supportive Quotes I’ve been so blessed to be part of a family that has dedicated its life to public service. My whole family is lactose intolerant and when we take pictures we can’t say cheese.
Molly Qerim I’ll go out to eat and have a really good lunch and try to shut the phone off, but I can’t, really, because the social media stuff will start happening. – Molly Qerim
Sarah Steele Developmental readings are actually the best part of being an actor for me. I once spent a month doing so many developmental readings at the Roundabout that we all joked that I was an ‘artist in residence’ there. But to me, it’s such a special time to be involved with a new play. – Sarah Steele
Don DeLillo I’ve always liked being relatively obscure. I feel that’s where I belong, that’s where my work belongs. – Don DeLillo
Sloane Crosley Picture it in your mind’s nostril: you get in a cab in time to catch twin thugs named Vomit and Cologne assaulting a defenseless pine-tree air freshener. – Sloane Crosley
David Zucker I think we grew up thinking that the funniest things on TV were the old, serious movies. I always liked the Marx Brothers, but the thing that always made us laugh were movies like Zero Hour. That’s what inspired us. – David Zucker
Sudeep I am not competing with anyone. I am competing with myself. When I wake up every day I am only worried about how I can better myself. – Sudeep
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