Abi Morgan Having worked on ‘The Hour,’ I now feel like I spend my whole time interrogating history. – Abi Morgan Feel Quotes History Quotes Hour Quotes Interrogating Quotes Spend Quotes Time Quotes Feminism isn’t just for women. It’s for men. I was a pretty heartbroken 13-year-old. That was the year my grandmother died and my parents split up.
Chang-Rae Lee I often think that the prime directive for me as a teacher of writing is akin to that for a physician, which is this: do no harm. – Chang-Rae Lee
James Ellroy As critical acclaim and response has built up, every interview I give is a chance to puncture the myth I’ve created about my work and refine it. – James Ellroy
J D Martinez Sometimes you just need a spark, and then boom, boom, boom, now the bats come alive. – J D Martinez
DreamsSylvia Browne Everyone dreams, but not everybody remembers their dreams because some people go into delta; they go too low. – Sylvia Browne
Renzo Rosso The real product at Diesel is satisfaction. My satisfaction at Diesel is being a pioneer. – Renzo Rosso
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