FearMatthew Henry He whose head is in heaven need not fear to put his feet into the grave. – Matthew Henry Fear Quotes Feet Quotes Grave Quotes Head Quotes Heaven Quotes There’s two sorts of fear: one you embrace and one you should listen to and turn the other way. Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?
Ric Flair The guy who could be me, but he knows when to draw the line, is John Cena. John Cena can rock ‘n’ roll, let me tell you. – Ric Flair
Joyce Maynard Women writers have been told, forever, that our stories were not valuable. Not as valuable as men’s stories about wars, business, power. – Joyce Maynard
Shirley Temple I have always told anyone who would listen that I was available for more public service. – Shirley Temple
Nikita Thukral Honestly, I realized the deeper significance of spirituality only after becoming a mother, like, for instance, the selflessness, understanding the needs of another and so forth that comes with the territory. – Nikita Thukral
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