Josh Radnor Here’s the problem: I don’t like who I’ve become when my iPhone is within reach. I find myself checking e-mails and responding to texts throughout the day with some kind of Pavlovian ferocity – it’s not a conscious act, but a reflexive one. – Josh Radnor Checking Quotes Conscious Quotes Day Quotes Emails Quotes Ferocity Quotes Iphone Quotes Pavlovian Quotes Reach Quotes Reflexive Quotes Responding Quotes Texts Quotes I like movies that are about real people in real time with real problems. An obsessive attention to the news, I’ve realized, only serves to paint a picture of the world as a throbbing blob of dysfunction, most news falling somewhere on a scale from disappointing to calamitous.
Ken Auletta An important reason Google is usually listed among the world’s most trusted brands is that it conveys a sense that the user comes first. – Ken Auletta
Roscoe Mitchell I feel I’m most successful when I’m playing a concert, and it doesn’t necessarily seem like I’m playing a saxophone but am coming off more like an orchestra or something like that. – Roscoe Mitchell
AmazingTaryn Manning Alison Lohman is an amazing actress. I was so proud to work with her. – Taryn Manning
Joel Embiid Whatever happens happens. If something happens, something happens. But I believe in God, and I pray every day. – Joel Embiid
Alexandra Kleeman We’re living at this funny time, where we’re all urged to express ourselves as unique individuals, but on the other hand, we share a limited set of tools for doing that. It’s easy to feel like nothing more than the sum of your consumer choices. – Alexandra Kleeman
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