Dennis C Blair High value information came from interrogations in which those methods were used and provided a deeper understanding of the al Qa’ida organization that was attacking this country. – Dennis C Blair Attacking Quotes Country Quotes Deeper Quotes Interrogations Quotes Methods Quotes Organization Quotes Qaida Quotes Understanding Quotes I like to think I would not have approved those methods in the past, but I do not fault those who made the decisions at that time, and I will absolutely defend those who carried out the interrogations within the orders they were given. The Industrial Revolution caused a centuries-long shift in power to the West; globalization is now shifting the balance again.
Michael WaltripThankful I’ll always wear NAPA blue. I’m thankful they were a part of my life. – Michael Waltrip
Chris EvansExperience I like the feeling of making things. It’s very very rewarding. And filmmaking is that type of experience, where you’re forced to collaborate with so many people. You’re involved in the beginning to end, you’re involved with so many elements, and when it’s done, you’re like, ‘I made this movie.’ – Chris Evans
Emma Stone The end of ‘City Lights’ makes me cry every time I see it – when Charlie Chaplin walks by the shop window and the once-blind girl brings him a flower and pins it to his lapel. – Emma Stone
DeathRelationshipTimothy Radcliffe I believe that his death and resurrection transformed humanity’s relationship with God. – Timothy Radcliffe
Mike Parson Our children are our most precious resource, and we must work to help ensure their safety against every type of risk, including severe weather while they’re in school. – Mike Parson
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