Skip Marley Higher place means a higher state of mind, a higher state of consciousness, the high road. – Skip Marley Consciousness Quotes Mind Quotes Road Quotes We have to live at a higher vibration, caring for humanity, caring for your brothers and sisters. We need love. We need light.
Austin Rivers He and I don’t know each other like that. We know each other as strictly basketball. A lot of people on the outside don’t understand that because people think we have a relationship like every other father and son. We just don’t. That’s because he’s been gone my whole life, and that’s fine. – Austin Rivers
Elmore Leonard Sometimes female characters start out as the wife or girlfriend, but then I realize, ‘No, she’s the book,’ and she becomes a main character. I surrender the book to her. – Elmore Leonard
Marla SokoloffTeen I’m pretty sure this is it for the teen movie thing. It’s so frustrating to read when you get to page 20 and you’re like, Oy! It’s the same thing again! – Marla Sokoloff
Justin Simien I think we are aware that post-racialism isn’t real, right? I mean, I hope so. I kind of joke that we’re post-post-racial. – Justin Simien
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