Bill O'Reilly Historically, Alaska is a place that has attracted those fed up with conventionality. – Bill O’Reilly Alaska Quotes Attracted Quotes Conventionality Quotes Fed Quotes Historically Quotes I’m pretty busy. The traditional American family has always been the foundation for success in America.
BeautyCharlie ChaplinPatience I do not have much patience with a thing of beauty that must be explained to be understood. If it does need additional interpretation by someone other than the creator, then I question whether it has fulfilled its purpose. – Charlie Chaplin
John Stossel I’ve built my career on unpaid interns, and the interns told me it was great – I learned more from you than I did in college. – John Stossel
Daisy Lowe There’s this one called Raya that is Tinder for celebrities. You have to do corny things like put a song to photos of yourself: ‘Daisy likes pubs! Horse riding! Looks good in a bikini!’ It’s all so mortifying. My male friend got matched with Courtney Love and if ever there’s a reason not to be on those things surely that’s it. – Daisy Lowe
Margaret MacMillan By the start of August 1914, it was dawning on the British that a major war was about to break out on mainland Europe. Public opinion and, crucially, the cabinet was deeply divided on whether to intervene or stay out. – Margaret MacMillan
John Spratt I am not disputing the need for this money. What I am disputing and calling attention to is the fact that we are taking the tab for defense in our time against terrorists in the Middle East and elsewhere and shoving this tab off onto our children. – John Spratt
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