Douglas Alexander Historically, Labour has used technology as a form of control. We would use pagers and faxes to send out messages telling people what line to take. The key learning from the Obama campaign is to use technology to empower your supporters. – Douglas Alexander Campaign Quotes Control Quotes Empower Quotes Faxes Quotes Form Quotes Historically Quotes Key Quotes Labour Quotes Learning Quotes Messages Quotes Obama Quotes Pagers Quotes People Quotes Send Quotes Supporters Quotes Technology Quotes Telling Quotes Change is a process: future is a destination. People want a sense of hope, possibility and pride about Britain. It was here in Edinburgh that in the 1980s I joined with many others to protest against Margaret Thatcher as she arrived to address the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
Kevin Patterson Storms are sex. They exist alongside and are indifferent to words and description and dissection. – Kevin Patterson
Susan Burton Life has took me on a journey, and through much of that journey, I didn’t feel whole, connected, and grounded. So as a kid, everyone called me Sue. My daddy called me Susie Q. But through this journey, I’ve sort of risen to a place that I get this level of respect of Ms. Burton. – Susan Burton
SE Cupp When America pays lip service but little more to horrors like the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, instead proclaiming convenient but arbitrary loopholes in our moral obligations, we just give the world’s worst bullies more ammunition and power. – SE Cupp
AngerDanny Carey Before ‘AEnima,’ we were just following our gut. There was a lot of anger in the air and we never tried to control that. But just as we mature as humans, with ‘AEnima’ we tried to be fueled more by spiritual ideas or more of a conscious mode of aiming things in the right place or trying to take more responsibility for our art. – Danny Carey
Matt Nagy You can’t just say, ‘This team’s going to win,’ or ‘This team’s going to lose.’ Anything can happen. So what you can control is winning your game as much as possible. If you don’t do that, and then the other team has a chance to lose, and they lose, and you didn’t go about it the right way, now you just let that slip. – Matt Nagy
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