Sally Yates Holding individuals accountable for corporate wrongdoing isn’t ideological; it’s good law enforcement. – Sally Yates Accountable Quotes Corporate Quotes Enforcement Quotes Holding Quotes Ideological Quotes Individuals Quotes Law Quotes Wrongdoing Quotes The federal prison population increased by almost 800 percent between 1980 and 2013, often at a far faster rate than the Bureau of Prisons could accommodate in their own facilities. At the Justice Department, we have no greater obligation than ensuring all people are treated equally under the law, and Americans must know that we will vigorously pursue criminal activity regardless of whether the crime is committed on a street corner or in a corner office.
Nigel Hawthorne I’m very pernickety about cast and make-up. Continuity things can go dreadfully wrong in film; the beards are different, red waistcoats become blue. – Nigel Hawthorne
Javier Bardem I do a job and am lucky enough to do a job that I love, but it is a hard one. I’m not saying it is as hard as working in a coal mine, but it is still difficult in a different way. Sometimes you have to go through very strong emotional journeys and then come back to yourself. And that can be difficult to control. – Javier Bardem
Lisa Hanawalt The way I eat in my day-to-day life is, like, very simple to the point of being absurd. Like, my boyfriend makes fun of me because if I’m eating a snack, it’s often, like, a pickle and then a hard-boiled egg and then crackers and then maybe a carrot, and it’s like I’m eating like a baby. – Lisa Hanawalt
Issa Rae I don’t think the mainstream media understands people of color are multidimensional. For some reason, there’s an idea that only white people are relatable. I don’t think it’s necessarily racist. But it’s odd, because the people who watch the most television are black women, so we should be represented in more ways. – Issa Rae
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