Robert Rodriguez Hollywood wants to own everything. I don’t want to own anything. I don’t want people just to make content, I want to empower and teach them to create content they own that they can exploit in any medium. – Robert Rodriguez Content Quotes Create Quotes Empower Quotes Exploit Quotes Hollywood Quotes Medium Quotes People Quotes Teach Quotes Don’t look at all at what other people are doing. Think of what you’re doing as completely fresh because if you imitate you’re dead. When you put on the glasses in a 3-D movie they just kind of sit there and you forget about them.
Daniel De Leon Socialism is practical, in the best sense of the term; a living, vital force of inestimable value to society. – Daniel De Leon
Muggsy Bogues Absolutely, there’s still a place for smaller guards. This is the time for it, really. You can’t hand check, you can get your space wherever you want, plus you can create your own opportunities. – Muggsy Bogues
Denis WaitleyMoving On Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer. – Denis Waitley
Jamie Hyneman There are things that you would think were not possible, and yet they are. – Jamie Hyneman
Susan George What’s immediately profitable is the only kind of logic that capitalism understands. – Susan George
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