Nikita Thukral Honestly, I realized the deeper significance of spirituality only after becoming a mother, like, for instance, the selflessness, understanding the needs of another and so forth that comes with the territory. – Nikita Thukral Deeper Quotes Honestly Quotes Instance Quotes Mother Quotes Realized Quotes Selflessness Quotes Significance Quotes Spirituality Quotes Territory Quotes Understanding Quotes Spirituality has greatly enriched me and I hope it does so to others, too. Even when I was at the peak of my career, I was never in the race to be number one.
Jamie Lee CurtisParenting The challenging part of parenting for me is to make sure that an individual person is an individual and not some sort of cookie-cutter version of me. At the same time, I want to make sure that I impart my sense of the world as an adult. – Jamie Lee Curtis
Charlie Cox The great thing about doing a play is you get this rehearsal period, which you don’t get with most film and television roles. – Charlie Cox
Johnny Galecki In a series, you really need to stay open-minded. It’s not like a play or a film, where you can create and fully commit to your character’s back-story. – Johnny Galecki
FailureJames Mark Baldwin Feeling is the consciousness of the resulting conditions – of success, failure, equilibrium, compromise or balance, in this continuous rivalry of ideas. – James Mark Baldwin
Maya Wiley I lived in a low-income Black community, grew up with kids on welfare and with Black folks driving Cadillacs, going to private schools and everything in between. My literal biological aunties are deeply religious. I got it all. – Maya Wiley
Geert Wilders Stating my views on Islam has brought me to court on charges of ‘group insult’ and incitement to racial hatred. I am being tried for voicing opinions that I – and my constituents – consider to be the truth. I am being tried for challenging the views that the ruling establishment wants to impose on us as the truth. – Geert Wilders
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