Sandra E Peterson Honestly, my secret is I pick really, really good people around me. – Sandra E Peterson Honestly Quotes People Quotes Pick Quotes Secret Quotes I don’t need to spend hours in meetings, because I can have a two-minute conversation with a colleague who is pretty damn smart and who knows how to get the job done. And, if he needs my help on something, he’ll let me know. People need to go back and remember what it was once like to lead businesses in emerging markets.
ComputersJoshua Michael Stern Doing a movie about computers between 1978 and 1982? You can’t get much less sexy, less active than that. – Joshua Michael Stern
La La Anthony I had to know that for me to be successful in all aspects of my life, I have to work. – La La Anthony
Sushmita Sen I didn’t think of my job as wanting roles I want to do but roles that suit me. – Sushmita Sen
Claire Wineland I want to show people that the hospital does have its moments. The hospital is just a place, and even though it does have fluorescent lighting and white walls, it doesn’t have to be a miserable experience. – Claire Wineland
Susan Fowler When I was harassed and discriminated against, I fought as hard as I could – because I hadn’t gone through all of that, I hadn’t worked so hard my entire life, just to have someone take it away from me. – Susan Fowler
Sunil Grover Kapil is a sensible, decent man. We share a terrific chemistry. The minute we see one another we smile at one another. – Sunil Grover
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